Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

For any civic or corporate organization, social services, treatment facilities, higher education, faith communities, and others as an informational overview on mental illness and suicide prevention, personal stories from individuals and family members who are caring for a loved one with mental illness, work place policies, and information on NAMI and community support.

Lunch & Learn

For any civic or corporate organization, social services, treatment facilities, higher education, faith communities, and others as an informational overview on mental illness and suicide prevention, personal stories from individuals and family members who are caring for a loved one with mental illness, work place policies, and information on NAMI and community support.

Request a Lunch & Learn Presentation

NAMI Jacksonville’s Lunch & Learn is designed for any civic or corporate organization, social services, treatment facilities, higher education, faith communities, and others as an informational overview on mental illness and suicide prevention, personal stories from individuals and family members who are caring for a loved one with mental illness, work place policies, and information on NAMI and community support.  We can craft the program to meet your needs whether speaking for an hour-long presentation or as part of a broader training or seminar.

image of group of people at an event taking notes
solid blue circular icon with white loud speaker in the middle

Program Request

Submit the program request form below and a NAMI Jacksonville representative will contact you.

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